Publications 2017 - 2008
Highly Radioactive Liquid Waste in NAC-LWT Cask, Gordon Edwards, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility and Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Potential Sabotage at Spent Fuel Storage Facility, Report for the State of Nevada, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Radon Release from Nexus Gas Compressors, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Response to Anspaugh Report: Plutonium Accident at INEEL, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Response to McLaughlin Report: Plutonium Accident at INEEL, M Resnikoff RWMA
Response to Mettler Report: Plutonium Accident at INEEL, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Response to Toohey Report: Plutonium Accident at INEEL, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Report on Radiological Impact of Potential Fire Accidents: Ocean-Going Vessels, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Occupational Exposure of S Braase to Plutonium and Americium at the ZPPR facility, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho on 11.08.2011, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA; additional report for B Simmons Download DOCX
Declaration re. Potential Accidents of NAC-LWT casks containing liquid high-level waste, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA
Review of NUREG-CR-7209, A Compendium of Spent Fuel Transportation Package Response Analyses to Severe Fire Accident Scenarios, for State of NV, Marvin Resnikoff RWMA, 03.28.2016.
Report re. B Taylor, personal injury-resident near ITCO oil pipe cleaning yard, 09.30.2015; additional report for M Woods (PDF); affidavit, 10.15.2015
Critique of SEMMP, radiological sampling program of CWM for RMU-2 expansion of toxic waste landfill, 09.30.2015
Report on Roy White, welder, personal injury, 09.02.2015
Review of EPA fracking report for Delaware Riverkeepers, 08.17.2015
Review of CWM radiological plans for area Fac Pond 8, 09.23.2015
Review of Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Protection NORM Study for Delaware Riverkeepers, 06.16.2015
Summary of Report on John Carter, ITCO pipe cleaning worker, 06.20.2015
Environmental impact, radiological release from Milan, NM uranium mill, Alberto Vasquez and other residents. Summary,11.21.2014
E Castell: Report Personal Injury, worker at ITCO and Brown & Root pipe cleaning yards, 03.14.2014
Comments on proposed fracking standard by Center for Sustainable Shale Development, chapter of book by Delaware Riverkeepers, 01.31.2014
Review of CWM Sampling Plan for Niagara County, NY 10.15.2014
Dubroc J, personal injury, pipe cleaner and roustabout-Summary, 11.23.2014; similar reports for P Dubroc, E Dubroc and G Paxson
Review of Report by I Hamilton on ITCO pipe cleaning workers, 03.19.2014
Report on J Carter, ITCO oil pipe cleaning worker, 02.15.2014
Report on Swift and others, pipe cleaners Summary, 12.09.2014
Talk before CEP committee on decommissioning San Onofre reactor, 05.06.2014
Critique of USGS Report on radon due to fracking, 08.14.2014
Impact of rock cuttings on West Virginia landfill, 03.13.2014
Report on Coleman and others: personal injury, pipe yard workers, 12.13.2013; additional reports for Goirl B (PDF),11.28.2013, Pursley M (DOC),12.05.2013 and Solanas R (PDF), 11.29.2013
Review of NUREG-2125 Report for State of Nevada, 07.13.2013
Slides for presentation before Nuclear Waste Transportation Review Board, 11.11.2013
Invited talk on radium contamination at Annual Water Environment Conference, Oct 2012; also Slides for WEFTE Conference October, 2012
Review of NUREG-2125 Report on transportation accidents for State of Nevada, Notes 2012
Radon in Natural Gas from Marcellus Shale, Ethics in Biology, Engineering & Medicine, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2011, pp. 317- 331
Slides for Annual Health Physics Conference on Radon from Fracking July 2012
2011 - 2008
Declaration re. Levy Nuclear Reactor, Florida, 09.16.2011
Occupational Exposures, ITCO oil pipe cleaning yard, 10.25.2010
Declaration re. NRC Contention-food irradiator in Hawaii on behalf of Earthjustice, 04.06.2009
White Paper re. radium in produced water in Gulf of Mexico, on behalf of LEAN, 03.09.09
Report on LANL Waste Disposal Inventory, 11.18.2009